User-friendly Pricing

Our pricing plans are designed to grow with your business, suitable for startups to large enterprises

Libautech shopify app for ecommerce stores - Amazon buy button App pricing plan Libautech shopify app for ecommerce stores - Upsell Add-ons / Smart Upsell App pricing planLibautech shopify app for ecommerce stores - Sticky Add to Cart App pricing planLibautech shopify app for ecommerce stores - Add announcement bar pricing plan Libautech shopify app for ecommerce stores - Currency converter pricing planLibautech shopify app for ecommerce stores - Minty app pricing plan

Amazon buy button pricing plan

Our plans for Amazon buy button are adaptable for businesses of any size, catering to startups as well as enterprise

Free plan

Get started
Advanced backend algorithm
Desktop & mobile optimised
All Amazon marketplaces
Three-button designs
Basic support

Pro plan

Get started
All free features
Amazon Organic Ranking Improvement
Custom affiliate tag
Independent affiliate tag URL
Country targeting
Premium support
Real-time analytics
Amazon Prime Button
Etsy Button

Smart Upsell pricing plan

Our plans for Smart Upsell are adaptable for businesses of any size, catering to startups as well as enterprise

Pro plan

Get started
Bundle offers and product add-ons
Cart upsell and downsell offers
Post-purchase upsell offers
Checkout upsell offers
Cart upsell
Advanced real-time analytics
Chat & email support

Importer plan

Get started
Everything in the Pro plan
Bulk offer excel imports
Dedicated developer design implementation
Priority chat & email support
Dedicated developer offer implementation

Sticky Add to Cart pricing plan

Our plans for Upsell Add-ons are adaptable for businesses of any size, catering to startups as well as enterprise

Intro plan

Get started
1000 Lifetime views
Quick and easy setup
18 Mobile Preset designs
18 Deskopt Preset designs
Real-time analytics
Standard support

Pro plan

Get started
Unlimited views
All features from the Free plan
Customisable CSS
Early access to new features
Priority support

Add Announcement bar pricing plan

Our plans for Add Announcement bar are adaptable for businesses of any size, catering to startups as well as enterprise

Free plan

Get started
Fully customizable banner
Free shipping bar
Rich text editor
Unlimited active bars
Page and device targeting
Track performance
Chat & email support

Pro plan

Get started
Everything in the Free plan
Geo/Product targeting
Estimated delivery
Bar schedule
Auto currency conversion
Premium support

Currency Converter pricing plan

Our plans for Currency Converter are adaptable for businesses of any size, catering to startups as well as enterprise

Free plan

Get started
FREE for life
Up to 5 currencies
Shopify's multiple currencies feature integration
Multiple positioning
Switcher styling
Basic support

Pro plan

Get started
Everything in the Free plan
Up to 164 currencies
Auto currency switcher
Price formating
Hide currency converter
Checkout notification
Premium support

Minty pricing plan

Our plans for MInty are adaptable for businesses of any size, catering to startups as well as enterprise

Pro plan

Get started
10 Lifetime token gated orders
Create Solana NFT Token Gated Discounts
Token Gated Product Locks for Shopify+ stores

Starter plan

Get started
Up To 100 Monthly Orders
Create Solana NFT Token Gated Discounts
Styling customization
Token Gated Product Locks for Shopify+ stores

Pro plan

Get started
Create Solana NFT Token Gated Discounts
Styling customization
Token Gated Product Locks for Shopify+ stores
Up To 500 Monthly Orders